Join us for a virtual Field Blends book launch

Hello friends,

I am so grateful for all of your support and excitement about the upcoming release of my book, Field Blends. Lockdowns and social distancing have forced us to postpone the in-person release parties previously scheduled. Instead I’m inviting you to join me for virtual release events in the coming weeks. So please consider:

1) Pre-ordering a hardback or paperback here. All who pre-order will receive a free Kindle or Apple Books version before the official public release date.

2) Reserving your place at one (or both) of the upcoming virtual release events (two in order to account for time zone differences):

3) Connecting with me and sharing Field Blends (and the events) with your friends, family, colleagues, and drinking buddies. All are welcome!

I’ll be back in touch when we’re able to reschedule the in-person events. We’re going to make them happen, just not sure when. For now, I’m excited to see you virtually.

Many thanks.
